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FST Akiesha Young

Akiesha Young

Operator – Process Technician – Growtth* Coordinator, Northfield, NH

Welcome to the "Employee Spotlight". This series introduces us to employees from all around the world as well as from all different job functions within our company. We get the opportunity to gain insights on their work life and to learn the variety of job options that are available within the company.

We asked Akiesha Young to share her career development from a machine operator, to a process technician, to her role today: Growtth coordinator, in charge of designing and implementing lean process at our Freudenberg Sealing Technologies facility in Northfield, New Hampshire.

Here Is Her Story:

After I graduated from high school, I followed my husband (then boyfriend) to work at Freudenberg because of stories he told me – and now I have my own to tell.

I began at Freudenberg as an operator, running the machine to make the best-quality part. As I grew to know the machines and processes better, I became a process technician. Now I could directly impact employees’ lives by improving processes and maintaining the machines’ integrity. My training has evolved from a broad focus on Freudenberg’s diverse culture to our specific products and materials. I became a better professional thanks to the free courses on office automation programs. I participate in Kaizen programs, collaborating with operators and business groups to improve productivity, promote lean processes and reduce waste. Now the entire plant is my team. What I do impacts everyone from operator to engineer, from management to community. We do our best to improve ourselves and the environment in which we grow. We serve society by serving our employees.

It took me 20 years to discover what I wanted to be, and I am proud of how far I have come. But it would not have happened without the training I received, the support from my team and the development made possible through Freudenberg’s numerous programs and courses. Now I’m part of a force that helps improve the community through the activities we host, the donations we collect and the supplies we provide.

Freudenberg has a very diverse culture. It is always trying to improve through surveys and training. It cares about its employees, promotes team spirit, innovates with customers and focuses on personal development.

*Growtth: Get Rid Of Waste Through Team Harmony

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