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A robot in human form with an iridescent blue head.

Success Is in the Details: Seals Blazing the Trail for Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are expected to be an attractive market in the future. One international manufacturer is placing its trust in sealing solutions from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies.

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Test specimen of a blue elastomer connected to a metal plate.

Material Expertise for Water Electrolysis

The demand for hydrogen – especially for green hydrogen – is steadily rising. So is the demand for the industrial production of water electrolyzers.

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A green machine inside a factory with the inscription Arburg Allrounder 470 E

Planning New Production Lines Made Easy

Production line planning at the Schwalmstadt plant is being carried out with new visualization and simulation software. It is helping to save time and money.

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ESSENTIAL – the Magazine

Don’t Miss a Trend

Smart sealing solutions for nearly every sector, technology trends and exclusive interviews – Find them in our company magazine ESSENTIAL with a print subscription and digitally.

Focus on Technology

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies keeps an eye on the hot topics trending in our industry and among our customers, and continues to explore these issues in depth on their behalf. To better understand even today what will be driving the world tomorrow. Stay informed.

Mockup of ESSENTIAL magazine issue November 2024

Our Magazine

Technologies and trends that impact our business.

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