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A hallway between containers.

Electrolysis: Global Market Leader Uses Freudenberg Seals

Enapter AG is advancing water electrolysis with a process that has been neglected so far. Freudenberg is cooperating with the world market leader.

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A truck transports containers. Copyright: Daimler Trucks

“An Alternative for Demanding Applications”

Hydrogen engines can replace combustion engines that burn fossil fuels – and are completely compatible with drivetrains, transmissions and cooling systems.

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Two man stand in a factory and have a conversation.

The Perfect Fuel Cell Seals, Integrated Quickly

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has long been involved with fuel cell technologies. Manufacturers of fuel cells have come to appreciate its expertise.

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ESSENTIAL – the Magazine

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Smart sealing solutions for nearly every sector, technology trends and exclusive interviews – Find them in our company magazine ESSENTIAL with a print subscription and digitally.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies keeps an eye on the hot topics trending in our industry and among our customers, and continues to explore these issues in depth on their behalf. To better understand even today what will be driving the world tomorrow. Stay informed.

Mockup of ESSENTIAL magazine issue November 2024

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Technologies and trends that impact our business.

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