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Houston, TX, USA | April 30 - May 03, 2018

Offshore Technology Conference

2018 is the 50th anniversary year for the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). The industry has gathered at the OTC for half a century to exchange views on innovations in offshore technology and discuss how environmental concerns can be taken into consideration to an even greater degree. With more than 2,000 exhibitors and attendees, the OTC has become the largest oil and gas industry event over this period.

Hydraulic Accumulator, Diaphragm Accumulator, Bladder Accumulator, Piston Accumulator, Tobul, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Klüber Lubrication, Offshore, Houston

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (FST) will, of course, present its portfolio of heavyweights in the hydraulic-accumulator field at the OTC’s anniversary edition – including piston, diaphragm and bladder accumulators. In the oil and gas business, it is crucial for hydraulic accumulators to meet customer needs and the requirements of the environment. In this way, reliable functioning can be assured. Take blowout preventers as an example – they are the main safety element for deep drilling, and they prevent the uncontrolled escape of drilling mud, oil and natural gas. Here everything depends on the functional reliability that FST hydraulic accumulators can guarantee.

Klüber Lubrication, also a Freudenberg Group company, will join FST at the event and present its portfolio. With its special lubricants, market leader Klüber ensures the optimized performance of machines and capital goods on offshore facilities and stationary platforms.

Freudenberg’s experts look forward to your visit to the NRG Center, Stand 1922.

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