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Charlotte, NC | April 29 - May 01, 2019

BevTech® 2019

ISBT will hold its annual meeting, trade fair and conference, BevTech®, from April 29th through May 1st in Charlotte, NC.


The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) is the premier international technical society for the beverage industry representing more than 1000 members with the mission to enhance the promotion, development and dissemination of knowledge relating to the art and science of beverage technology for the non-alcoholic beverage industry.

ISBT will hold its annual meeting, trade fair and conference, BevTech®, from April 29th through May 1st in Charlotte, NC. The conference is meant to provide a forum for the presentation of scientific and technical papers and for meetings of the technical committees. As a member of ISBT, Freudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies will present a technical paper and be represented as an exhibitor at booth N° 47.

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