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Buses and trucks in a large city at traffic lights during rush hour

Truck & Bus

Truck & Bus

We are a supplier to all the significant vehicle manufacturers worldwide, whether our contribution is an individual, standard engine seal or a component system developed to meet a particular requirement. You always receive parts at the highest level as well as comprehensive expertise. Along with longevity, efficiency and TCO, the relevant issues for commercial vehicles are the varying requirements across regions – especially when compared to passenger cars – and exhaust gas after-treatment to reduce nitrogen oxides (SCR). Furthermore, our customers have direct access to a wide-ranging network of global research and development facilities, an extensive assortment of materials, technical experts and manufacturing specialists. In cooperation with our OEM customers, the Freudenberg Sealing Technologies (FST) Automotive team is ready to assist you with the implementation – even when your requirements are unique.

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

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Battery Electric Vehicle

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Air Conditioning Seals for Climate Control

Environmentally compatible coolants place new requirements on the material and design of seals in air conditioning systems. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has developed a range of perfectly designed seals both for the HFO 1234yf coolant selected by the European automotive industry and the R744, its alternative.

Interior of vehicle with ventilation system from which fresh air flows out

Since these coolants are expensive, it is important to minimize the leakage rate: by using air-conditioning seals from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies. Their largest benefit is their high function reliability. This applies to O-rings as well as Simmerrings and service valves. And don’t forget: whether for the HFO 1234yf or the R744 coolant – all of our seals make a contribution to increasing the efficiency of the air conditioning, thus reducing CO2 emissions. That’s what we call classy climate control.

Below you will find several applications we provide products for. To learn more about what products we have, please contact us.

  • Compressors
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Connectors, Pipes
  • Valves

Safe Grounding

Use eCON to Avoid Bearing Damage in Electric Motors.

Learn more about Grounding Solutions