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There have long been announcements of electric-mobility breakthroughs, but now the time has come. More and more vehicle manufacturers see electric motors and fuel cells as serious alternatives or at least sensible complements to the internal combustion engine. Both varieties of powertrain offer opportunities, although each is accompanied by challenges. Companies need environmentally friendly sources of energy to guarantee green mobility as they produce electric motors and hydrogen. Electric mobility could be a hot topic for a while.

A truck transports containers. Copyright: Daimler Trucks

“An Alternative for Demanding Applications”

Hydrogen engines can replace combustion engines that burn fossil fuels – and are completely compatible with drivetrains, transmissions and cooling systems.

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Two man stand in a factory and have a conversation.

The Perfect Fuel Cell Seals, Integrated Quickly

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has long been involved with fuel cell technologies. Manufacturers of fuel cells have come to appreciate its expertise.

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E-Mobility: Reliable Seals for Busbars

An innovative sealing process reliably blocks leaks in rectangular busbars.

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Freudenberg Joins New Partnership to Support Emission-Free Mobility in the U.S

Building on a successful record of supplying premium, heavy duty, lithium-ion electric batteries to urban buses and other commercial vehicles, XALT Energy is proud to announce it is powering America’s first, long-distance, all-electric passenger coach in tests with private and public transportation providers in the United States. XALT Energy, a company of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, is a Midland, Michigan-based global developer and manufacturer of lithium-ion technology solutions.

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