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ESSENTIAL launched a loose sequence of short stories, each of which is set in its own fictional future. Some of them have recurring characters and settings, and some stand on their own. The goal is to play with very different visions as creatively as possible and bring the reader along on a thought experiment: What form could our future take – and what would it mean to us?

Essential - Traveling Into the Future
Future Files

S01/C01 - New Beginnings

ESSENTIAL is launching a loose sequence of short stories, each of which is set in its own fictional future. Join us on a trip into the future.

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Future Files

S01/C02 - On Energy Island No. 1

Flying repair drones, self-healing body parts and an inspector who had to explain an accident without any damage. Part 3 of the ESSENTIAL “Trip into the Future” series, in the form of an exciting short crime story.

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SciFI Krimi
Future Files

S01/C03 - No Scratch in the Paint

Flying repair drones, self-healing body parts and an inspector who had to explain an accident without any damage. Part 3 of the ESSENTIAL “Trip into the Future” series, in the form of an exciting short crime story.

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ESSENTIAL – the Magazine

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies keeps an eye on the hot topics trending in our industry and among our customers, and continues to explore these issues in depth on their behalf. To better understand even today what will be driving the world tomorrow. Stay informed.

Big city with skyscrapers

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