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Fossil energy sources – such as oil and coal – have powered the economy and mobility until now. But they have been accompanied by negative side-effects. First, there is the economic dependence on the countries extracting them. Second, they exacerbate the greenhouse effect with their massive emissions of carbon dioxide. Renewable sources are expected to curtail this trend. Hydropower as well as solar and wind energy are considered to be viable alternatives. But they are dependent on advanced technologies to achieve greater efficiencies.

Green grass. Copyright: iStock/Nastco
Renewable Energy

Wanted: Innovation for Hydrogen Compressors

Piston compressors make sense as a way to compress hydrogen at high pressures – a requirement for its transport and use. But their seals wear out too quickly.

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A net of different coloured ropes that form a circle in the middle. Copyright: iStock/wildpixe
Renewable Energy

“The Material Is the Foundation for the Best Possible Seals”

Hydrogen molecules are extremely small. They place extraordinarily high demands on seals. They also must withstand harsh conditions.

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Illustration of an e-car at a charging station. Copyright: Shutterstock/petovarga
Renewable Energy

Electric Cars for the Mobility Transition

In many countries, electric cars are part of the energy transition. Growing numbers of these vehicles are reaching the market. Will the trend continue?

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Big city with skyscrapers

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