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Virtual Tours

Schwalmstadt Production Site

Virtual Tour Schwalmstadt Production Site – Lead Center Fluid Power

Our virtual tour gives you the opportunity to look behind the scenes at our Fluid Power Lead Center.

Virtual tour through the Reichelsheim production site

Virtual Tour Reichelsheim Production Site – Lead Center Diaphragms and Special Sealing Industry

This virtual tour gives you a unique insight into the two lead centers Diaphragms and Special Sealing Industry.

Virtual Tour Simmerring® production

Virtual Tour Simmerring® Production

Follow the development of the Simmerring® radial shaft seals at our production site and look behind the scenes.

Virtual Tour Mixing Facility

Virtual Tour Mixing Facility

Discover the process from pure raw materials to high-quality compounds in the Freudenberg  Mixing Facility.

Virtual tour Freudenberg Xpress®

Virtual Tour Freudenberg Xpress®

Discover the process from the first sealing need to the finished product made by Freudenberg Xpress®.

Metal tubes with valves and orange circuit box

Virtual Tour Test Bench

The test bench at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies offers you new validation possibilities for perfectly matching seals to your individual process.

Big city with skyscrapers

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