Fluoroprene® XP in the chemical industry If the resistance of FKM is insufficient and the use of perfluoroelastomers is assessed as not economical, then the material Fluoroprene® XP can be an interesting alter- native, provided that the process media used are not too aggressive. Due to the variety of possible applications and parameters, a comprehensive technical clarification is sug- gested. We recommend that you consult our application advisory service. Products and materials • O-rings made of 75 Fluoroprene® XP 40 and 75 Fluoro- prene® XP 41 • Molded parts made of 75 Fluoroprene® XP 41 and 85 Fluoroprene® XP 43 • Diaphragms made of 75 Fluoroprene® XP 44 and 75 Fluoroprene® XP 41 • Profiles made of 75 Fluoroprene® XP 41 • Clamp seals made of 75 Fluoroprene® XP 41 • Elastomer bead of the Hygienic Usit made of 75 Fluoro- prene® XP 41 (on request) IMMERSION RESULTS OF FLUOROPRENE® XP STEAM +200 °C (+392 °F)/ 72 H ALKALINE CIP (NAOH) 5%, +80 °C (+176 °F)/ 168 H ACIDIC CIP (HNO3 ) 2%, +80 °C (+176 °F)/ 168 H CIP/ACTIVE CHLORINE 3%, +60 °C (+140 °F)/ 168 H CIP/H2 O2 0.5%, +80 °C (+176 °F)/ 168 H 30 20 10 0 –10 –20 Change in % volume in % hardness IRHD tensile strength in % modulus in % elongation at break in % Download Data sheet 75 Fluoroprene® XP 40 Download Data sheet 75 Fluoroprene® XP 41 Download Data sheet 85 Fluoroprene® XP 43 Download Data sheet 75 Fluoroprene® XP 44 Elastomeric materials 46