Thecontentsofthishandbookhavebeencarefullyprepared. The information is based on our decades of research into the development and manufacture of sealing solutions as part of the Freudenberg Group and reflects our current state of knowledge. However, as seal performance is not only dependent on the seal itself, but also on various other parameters connected to the individual application, which are beyond our control, we do not assume any liability for the statements made in this document. As such, the information contained in this handbook can provide only general and non-binding guidelines. We recommend that you discuss specific, individual applications with our technical consultants as a matter of principle. All rights, in particular to texts, images and other work protected by copyright and published in the handbook, are reserved by Freudenberg. Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, and other utilization of the contents without written permission is expressly prohibited. LEGAL NOTICES APPENDIX PRODUCT PORTFOLIO MATERIALS RESISTANCE & PURITY ENGINEERING PLASTICS ELASTOMERIC MATERIALS TECHNICAL FUNDAMENTALS INTRODUCTION 95