20 10 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 Change in % volume in % elongation at break in % tensile strength in % IMMERSION RESULTS OF EPDM, FKM, VMQ AND HNBR IN 0.1% PEACH-FLAVOR-SOLUTION EPDM FKM VMQ HNBR 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H In the strongly aldehyde-containing flavor mixture Peach base, both EPDM and VMQ show the best resistance values. The loss of tensile strength of HNBR and FKM is clearly too high. 10 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 –25 –30 –35 Change in % IMMERSION RESULTS OF EPDM, FKM, VMQ AND HNBR IN 0.1% FANTASY-FRUIT-FLAVOR-SOLUTION EPDM FKM VMQ HNBR 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H 24 H 96 H volume in % elongation at break in % tensile strength in % Due to the poor strength properties in Fantasy-Fruit-flavor, HNBR should not be used there. Materials resistance and purity 58