ABBRE- VIATION FULL NAME DESCRIPTION A ACN Acrylnitril The higher the ACN content of an NBR or HNBR elastomer, the better the re- sistance against non-polar media. The smaller the ACN content, the better the low-temperature flexibility. The ACN content ranges between 18% and 50% ACS Attestation de Conformité Sanitaire French drinking water approval ADI-free Animal Derived Ingredient free Assurance that no products derived from animals are used in manufacture API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients The pharmaceutically active ingredients in a medicinal product ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers United States platform for engineers and students AWQC Australian Water Quality Centre Australian organization for drinking water standards B BfR Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung German Federal Office for Risk Assessment: BfR focusses on the assessment of risks in the field of consumer health protection and food and feed safety, e.g. BfR Recommendation 15 for silicones, BfR Recommendation / 21: Recommendation for articles of daily use based on natural and synthetic rubber material for silico- ne material/rubber in food use C CIP Cleaning In Place Cleaning processes in closed plants of the process industry, without disassembly CNC Computerized Numerical Control Method in machining technology COP Cleaning Out of Place Cleaning method in the process industry with disassembly D DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung German institute for standardization DM Dachmanschetten Rod seal set consisting of roof-shaped seals and supporting rings DN Diameter nominal Nominal diameter, e.g. for pipes DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water DVR Druckverformungsrest Compression set, a mechanical performance parameter for elastomers. The compression set describes the ability of a material to generate a sufficient res- toring force on the sealing surfaces and thus ensure the tightness, even after a certain contact time with the media in question E EDTA Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic-acid EHEDG European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group Consortium of plant engineers and operators in the food and pharmaceuticals industries EPDM Ethylene-Propylene-Diene-Rubber A base elastomer ePTFE Expanded PTFE In a special process, the molecular chains of ultra-thin PTFE layers are stretched, these layers are stacked multi-directionally and loosely pressed. As a result, the cold flow is optimized, the seals are very adaptable and meet, after pressing on site, the highest leak tightness requirements, e.g. according to TA Luft ETA-DK European Technical Approvals – Denmark Danish organization for issues concerning drinking water EU Reg. Regulation of the European Union A regulation is a legally binding act (directive) which all EU countries must fully implement F FB Faltenbalg Bellow FDA Food and Drug Administration A federal body in the United States responsible for the regulation of medications and pharmaceuticals, part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services FEM Finite-Elemente-Methode A calculation method used to determine forces and loads in components FEP Fluorinated-Ethylene-Propylene A thermoplastic material used as a material for encapsulation of O-rings FFKM Perfluoroelastomer A base elastomer FKM Fluoroelastomer A base elastomer G GC Gas chromatography Analytical method for mixtures which can be converted into the gaseous phase and can then be separated and detected GMB Elastomer diaphragm with fabric Elastomer diaphragm with fabric GMBM Elastomerdiaphragmwithmetalinsertandfabric/film Elastomer diaphragm with metal insert and fabric/film H HNBR Hydrogenated-Nitrile-Butadiene-Rubber A base elastomer HRC Hardness Rockwell C Rockwell hardness test with scale C (for materials with a high hardness) HTS II High Temperature and Speed Rotary shaft seal LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Appendix 92