In addition, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) studies were per- formed on the extract solutions of the phosphate buffers as a measure of the organic contamination. The TOC amount The present extractables study offers two main advantages. Firstly, Freudenberg customers can request the extract values and the evaluation of the leached chemicals and use them for their own leachables studies. This saves time and money, as the leachable chemicals have already been identified and can found in the liquid sample was again quantitatively assessed in comparable proportion to the elastomer sample. be incorporated into one‘s own leachables study. Further- more, in the case of batch contamination, it is possible to use the Freudenberg database results for risk assessment and for decision-making on the batch. EXTRACT VALUES AFTER 24 HOURS REFLUX BOILING IN ETHANOL AND N-HEXANE ETHANOL N-HEXANE EPDM 291 EPDM 292 EPDM 253815 XP 41 XP 43 SIMRIZ® 494 SIMRIZ® 506 EPDM 291 EPDM 292 EPDM 253815 XP 41 XP 43 SIMRIZ® 494 SIMRIZ® 506 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0 Extract values in % TOC VALUES PHOSPHATE BUFFER PH 2.5 PHOSPHATE BUFFER PH 9.5 EPDM 291 EPDM 292 EPDM 253815 XP 41 XP 43 SIMRIZ® 494 SIMRIZ® 506 EPDM 291 EPDM 292 EPDM 253815 XP 41 XP 43 SIMRIZ® 494 SIMRIZ® 506 400 300 200 100 0 TOC in ppm Materials resistance and purity 62